Most disgusting food ranked by Disgusting Food Museum

Hiroshini K

GOMUTRA, INDIA Gomutra is cow urine from India. Drinking Gomutra has been practiced for thousands of years, and it is usually consumed for therapeutic purposes as Ayurvedic medicine with claimed health benefits | ANDREAS AHRENS
TTONGSUL, ANCIENT SOUTH KOREA Ttongsul is a traditional Korean medicine with a 9% alcohol content. The poo of a human child between 4 and 7 years old is refrigerated for 3-4 days, mixed with water, divided into smaller pieces, and fermented overnight | ANDREAS AHRENS
BABY MOUSE WINE, GUANGZHOU, CHINA At least a dozen baby mice are drowned in rice wine. The mice used must be still blind and hairless. The brew is matured for at least a year before drinking. Mouse wine is drunk as a health tonic for asthma and liver diseases, rather than as an apéritif | ANDREAS AHRENS
MONKEY BRAIN, ANCIENT CHINA looking inside restaurant windows of Guangzhou that “offered the famous monkey brains, served at a special table that locked the monkey’s head in place; the waiter would open the skull and the diners would eat while the body wriggled under the table | ANDREAS AHRENS
VIRGIN BOY EGGS, DONGYANG CITY, CHINA Young boy’s urine is collected in schools and markets around the city in buckets placed there by street vendors. Eggs are boiled in the urine until hard | ANDREAS AHRENS
CASU MARZU, SARDINIA, ITALY A block of pecorino cheese is cut open and left outside to attract cheese flies, Piophila casei, that lay up to 500 eggs in it. The larvae of cheese flies then feast on the cheese, and their enzymes break down the fats in the Sardinian sheep’s milk cheese. The larvae excrement is a partially digested soft cheese, almost liquid | ANDREAS AHRENS
KIVIAK, SOUTH-WESTERN GREENLAND A freshly disemboweled seal is stuffed with up to 500 small arctic birds called Little Auk or Alle Alle. It is then sewn shut and sealed with seal fat to prevent flies from getting in. The birds are buried and left to ferment in the carcass for 3 to 18 months. Kiviak is eaten by biting off the bird’s head and then sucking out the juices inside, but the birds can also be eaten whole, bones and all | ANDREAS AHRENS
SURSTRÖMMING, NORTHERN SWEDEN Baltic Sea herring is caught in the spring just before spawning in the brackish waters of the Baltic Sea and fermented in brine for six months, and it continues to ferment in the can. Surströmming is one of the worst-smelling foods in the world | ANDREAS AHRENS
SHEEP EYEBALL JUICE, MONGOLIA This concoction, also known as Mongolian Mary, is the pickled eyeballs of sheep placed in tomato juice. It’s known as a hangover cure and dates back to the times of Genghis Khan | ANDREAS AHRENS
The amniotic fluid is drunk straight from the shell and the yolk, as well as the duck embryo, are then eaten straight from the shell, the bones and beak still being soft enough to be eaten. The warm, gooey, gamey liquid is referred to as the soup of the duck egg. | ANDREAS AHRENS