Signs a guy is attracted to you | Visual Story

Hiroshini K

TwitterHe Makes Lots of Eye Contact. If you always catch him glancing your way

If you always catch him glancing your way. For instance, if you’re chatting in a group and he’s always looking to see your reaction, that can be a good sign. Intense eye contact can be a subtle sign that he’s into you, unless he’s doing the Jason Mantzoukas crazy eyes.


He becomes overly chatty.

Some men are overly chatty around women they’re attracted to. They can’t stop talking! Their nerves are getting the best of them, and they can’t bite their tongue. They’re a total chatterbox.


He stands closer to you than he normally would if he's just being friendly.

Four feet is common for the workplace, church, and for the bottomless pit called the friend zone. If they broach the four feet space, they definitely think about you as more than a friend.


He gets jealous

If she mentions another guy, he’ll have an unnerved or disheveled look on his face if he’s jealous. Or he’ll start prying for information about this new guy.


He’s vying for your attention

He’ll be doing extra things he wouldn’t do for anyone else, acting different, putting a higher premium on her attention. He’ll treat her like she’s slightly better and more interesting than everyone else.


He Gives You Compliments

We’re talking about ones that are specific to you. While “You’re beautiful” could be to anybody, “I like how your vintage 1998 Spiceworld Tour t-shirt matches your nails that spell out SPICE GIRLS,” is just for you.


He tells you personal details about himself

Guys usually don’t share personal details with others. After all, they have to maintain that manly and masculine attitude. If he shares his personal details with you, it’s a clear sign that he is attracted to you.


Casually Makes Physical Contact

We’re not talking about a “creepy DJ with Taylor Swift” moment. But sitting next to you so your legs touch, grazing your arm, giving you high fives, these could all be signs that this man is attracted to you.


He repeats what you do

If a guy is secretly attracted to you, he’ll copy your body posture, Hand gesture, and head movement. For Example, if you tilt to your right, he’ll also tilt to the right. This is a subconscious sign that he’s attached to you and imitates what you do.
